Apple is one of the delicious fruits with useful health benefits that have been very famous among people all over the world for a long time. This delicious fruit is also found in abundance in Iran and has various types. Semirom apple is one of the types of apples in Iran, which is one of the export fruits of Isfahan Semirom region due to its unique taste. Human civilization has had a deep connection with apple since ancient times. Apple is a sign of health, happiness, the beauty of love and fertility, strength, and so on. There are many different types of apples that we will introduce them in this article.

This fruit has such nutritious benefits and vitamins that the English proverb says “an apple a day keeps the doctor away “. If you want to know more about the benefits of apples and their types, especially Samirom apples, follow us to the end of this article.

What are the unique benefits of apples?

Apples have numerous benefit, here are the main and most important benefits:

  • Apples contain calcium which helps the body absorb food.

  • Due to the pectin in apples, this fruit helps in the treatment of indigestion.

  • The acids in apples cleanse the mouth and teeth, remove food debris from the mouth and help keep your mouth and teeth healthy.

  • The presence of magnesium and the group of B vitamins and phosphorus in apples helps to calm the nerves.

  • Apples contain vitamins such as vitamins C, A, B2, calcium and potassium, iron to maintain the freshness and freshness of the skin and minimize the symptoms of skin problems in skin patients.

Types of apples

You may be think there is only one type of apple. But this delicious fruit has various types in the world, and we will introduce some of them to you below:

super chief apple

Export of Fruits

Super Chief apple seedlings or five-feathered apples are one of the best apples in the world which are native to American apple. The tree of this type of apple is very productive and fertile and has a large and late fruit. The fruit of the Super Chef apple tree is usually harvested in the middle of the first month of autumn in October. Seedlings of this type of apple grow in most soils. Super Chef apple bears fruit in cold and numerous areas so that it will not be fertile if the cooling conditions of this seedling are not provided.

Semirom apple

Sadeghpour Fruit Trading Compony

Semirom apple is one of the famous and well-known apples in Iran. In Semirom city, one of the coldest cities of Isfahan province, the apple harvested annually and exported to domestic market and a large part is packed and then sent to the Persian Gulf Countries. Harvesting of Semirom apples usually starts in the middle of October and the harvesting of Semirom apples in this city takes one month. Semirom apple has a variety of types such as Golab, red and golden, which is dedicated to almost half of the gardens of Isfahan province to this city.

Granny Smith apple

Export of Semirom apple

The origin of these apple seedlings originated to Australia. This type of apple is green in color and has semi-short and short stems stalks and its fruit sizes are large and semi-large and usually late ripening. Granny Smith apples like Super Chef apple seedlings are grown in almost any new soil and bear fruit in a variety of cold climates. This Australian apple is able to withstand temperatures from minus 35 to minus 40 degrees Celsius which like Super Chef apples can be difficult to produce if the cold conditions are not met. The shelf life of these Australian apple seedlings is between 25 and 30 years.

french red apple

Semirom apple

French red apple seedlings also known as Starking apples are almost highly fertile and grow in most soils. These apple seedlings like the above apple seedlings bear fruit in cold and numerous regions and climates so that they are resistant to minus 35 to 40 degrees Celsius. These seedlings do not grow well in climates that do not have a cold winter. Starkig apple seedlings are very sensitive to lack of water due to their superficial roots. This type of apple is very sweet, juicy and delicious.

Golden apple

Export of Fruits and summer crops

Golden or Delicious apple seedlings also known as Lebanese yellow apples are usually harvested in late summer and in the days leading up to October and the seedlings are tall. This type of apple is found in abundance in Semirom and like other apple seedlings it can grow in any type of soil and bears fruit in cold and abundant climates. In the two months left until the fruiting of the golden or Lebanese yellow apple, the air where the fruit grows should be very cool so that the color of the fruit becomes good and its texture hardens. Golden apple seedlings have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years and their taste is sweet and white flesh and juicy.

Fuji apple

Fuji apple

The origins of Fuji apple seedlings go back to Japan. The fruit of Fuji seedlings is medium and large in size and can be grown in almost any soil. Fuji apple seedlings like other apple seedlings grow well in low and cold temperatures and can withstand temperatures as low as minus 35 to 40 degrees Celsius. If the cooling conditions of these seedlings are not provided, they will not bear good fruit and will not be cost-effective. The shelf life of Fuji apple seedlings like other seedlings, is between 35 and 40 years.

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